About 9/11 FSA

Because every illegal alien is a person whose true identity has never been verified by competent federal officials, any illegal alien may be a terrorist or violent felon. It is not possible to keep terrorists out of the United States without denying entry to all illegal aliens.

Because the massive number of illegal aliens present in the United States has caused the ending of interior enforcement of immigration law the millions of illegals in our country acted as an ‘ocean’ which allowed the 9/11 terrorists to hide in plain sight.

Because manipulated, corrupted and politicized distortions of immigration and border law enforcement by the political class is destroying the rule of law and principles of justice regarding the disposition of both legal and illegal aliens in America.

Because there cannot be a real war on terrorism as long as the U.S. does not enforce its immigration laws against all would-be illegal entrants and those already in the country.

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Meet the 9/11 Families organizations

9/11 Families for a Secure America is a not for profit corporation with IRS 501c4 status, and the 9/11 FSA Foundation is a not for profit corporation with IRS 501c3 status. Both were founded by families of those murdered in the Islamic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. We rapidly expanded to embrace the underserved families of other victims harmed by illegal alien criminals and terrorists.

Top: Carl Molinaro, killed on 9/11 while attempting to rescue workers in the North Tower of the World Trade Center

Middle: Elizabeth Butler, age 17, stalked and murdered by an illegal alien, June 2005

Lower: James Gadiel, age 23, murdered while at his job at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 103rd floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.


9/11 FSA members have lobbied innumerable times in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, and in states across America.

We have lobbied in Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Missouri, Kansas, Missouri, California, Colorado, and Utah.

Our willingness to travel and advocate for immigration law enforcement, constitutionally-limited national security vigilance and sovereign border security is limited only by our resources.

Public appearances

9/11 FSA and Foundation members have appeared on Fox News Channel, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, and NPR. We have been featured and quoted by innumerable daily and weekly publications across the Nation. Our board members have been guests on Lou Dobbs Tonight, Hannity & Colmes, Paula Zahn Now, Crossfire, Rita Cosby Live, Scarborough Country, Fox News Live with E.D. Hill as well as many local television newscasts. On radio we have been guests on programs hosted by Mike Reagan, Alan Colmes, Sean Hannity and scores of syndicated and major market talk show hosts.

Our letters of support for or against legislation before Congress have on numerous occasions been quoted on the floors of the House and Senate and been inserted into the Congressional Record.

Members of our Boards of Directors and our Boards of Advisors have testified before Congressional Committees on at least twenty separate occasions.

Our members have hosted major press conferences on the issue of illegal immigration and border security, and participated in others with House members and the House leadership as well as in numerous state capitols.

What others have to say about us

"We cannot win the war on terror until we protect our borders. The 9/11 Families for a Secure America are a leading voice in the debate over our national security policy, and they are committed to protecting America from terrorist threats. The dedicated work and support of the 9/11 Families for a Secure America has led to many positive changes in our homeland security landscape, and they will continue to play an integral role in the fight to make America safer."
    U.S. Representative John Culberson (Texas) July 2005
"Thank you for your tireless efforts to build support for government laws and regulations that will better secure our borders and make it more difficult for terrorists to hide among an ever increasing illegal immigrant population.

"While we all know there are no guarantees in life, your efforts have helped lessen the likelihood that other family members will have to endure the suffering you experienced on September 11, 2001.

"Our country was born from adversity. Our strength has always been in the people who have stood up to it and persevered. I am honored to have worked with you on issues to strengthen our security and look forward to future collaborations."
    U.S. Representative Elton Gallegly (California) July 2005
"Wanted to thank your group for the powerful letter and to report on its impact.

"I appeared personally before the House Committee considering the matricula consular card. This was the first time I have appeared before the legislature since I was Governor. (15 years) I consider this issue that important.

"Your letter was very well received and a powerful reason that the bill got reported out to the floor of the House. The vote was 7-4. I am arranging for a copy to be placed on each legislator's desk the morning the bill is considered by the whole House.

"Thank you for your time and effort. It was timely, articulate, heartfelt and effective."
    Former Colorado Governor Richard Lamm (Colorado) writing about our role in passage of HB 1224, a bill to require secure I.D. in the State of Colorado. Feb 11, 2003
"I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with 9/11 Families for a Secure America. It has become the preeminent organization representing family members of the victims of 9-11. Its members have selflessly devoted themselves to improving our Nation's security so that no other American families ever have to suffer the torment they have experienced. The tireless efforts of the members of 9/11 Families for a Secure America have made a decisive impact on the debate in the halls of Congress over homeland security and immigration reform and played an integral role in our recent success in making our borders more secure. Much remains to be done and I look forward to continuing to work with this fine organization.
    U.S. Representative James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) July 2005
It has been both my pleasure and honor to work with the members of 9/11 Families for a Secure America. They have worked ceaselessly to prevent future terrorism by pressing Congress and the President to enforce our immigration laws and secure our borders.

The September 11 hijackers were all admitted to the US because our government had surrendered to the open borders lobby and had stopped excluding those who presented a threat to our safety. As relatives of those murdered on September 11, 2001 the members of 9/11 FSA, tragically, are best qualified to convey to the American people the need to reestablish this Nation's control of its borders. The members of 9/11 FSA have had a very strong impact on debates in Congress on homeland security, border security and immigration reform. Their efforts were a decisive factor in gaining passage of the Real ID Act which will prevent issuance of drivers' licenses to illegal aliens and terrorists.

The job of a Secure America is far from finished and I look forward to working with 9/11 Families for a Secure America on all aspects of immigration reform.
    U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo September 2005

"Peter Gadiel of Connecticut, who lost his son on Sept. 11, has been traveling from state to state, urging laws that would limit the rights of immigrants [illegal aliens] to have driver's licenses."
    People's Weekly World (a publication of the US Communist Party) May 24, 2003
9/11 FSA is a national security watchdog organization of relatives and supporters of those murdered in the September 11 attacks and of victims of other violent crimes committed by aliens, both legal and illegal.
Your generous donation will enable us to continue working to make America a safer and more secure nation in the post-9/11 world.
Membership in 9/11 FSA is open to families of those killed in the 9/11 terrorist attacks; survivors of the attacks, first responders at the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Shanksville, Pa.; victims of crimes of violence committed by illegal aliens and family members of victims.
9/11 Families for a Secure America welcomes all those who love liberty and wish to advance our mission of giving a voice to the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and victims of crimes of violence committed by illegal aliens.